
Radio Wolftown Mixtape Trade - Vol. 1

Commitment deadline: February 25, 2010
Mailing deadline: March 25, 2010

If you are interested in partaking, just send us a message with your mailing address. Once we have everyone's contact information, we will assign a person to you at random. We'll then povide you with their mailing address and you must send the tape to this person by March 25th. Pretty simple, right?

Maybe one month to make a single tape seems excessive, but everyone has their own busy day to day life to deal with, so why rush? Take your time making a killer tape for someone and in return you shall receive the same.

If this first round of the tape trade is a success, there will certainly be more in the future. And of course, this is open to anyone interested, so if you have some friends who want to participate as well, just send them our way.

If you have any other questions just drop us a line.


- Laura & Max, Radio Wolftown Team

(Please note: Tapes only. No CDs. Sorry!)

Primer intercabio de DIY cintas de cassette
Si estáis interesados en participar, simplemente escribidnos un mensaje con vuestra dirección,
Una vez tengamos todas las direcciones de los participantes te asignaremos una persona de la lista. te daremos su dirección , y solo tienes que enviar tu cinta a esta persona sobre el 25 de marzo, Al mismo tiempo tu tambien recibiras una cinta de alguien de la lista!

Pensamos que quizas un mes es demasiado tiempo para preparar una cinta, pero entendemos que cada uno tiene cosas que hacer y asi tienes mas tiempo para currartelo y sorprender a quien reciba tu cinta!

Como podeis suponer, se trata de un intercambio de cintas de cassette, no de Cd's, (lo sentimos en el alma)
Para cualquier duda o comentario, no dudeis en escribir a Max o a laura en este mismo blog!

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Contact us at radiowolftown [at] gmail [dot] com

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Episode VII

The Brat - Starry Nights

The Insane - El Salvador

Legion of Parasites - Hopeless Situation

Hot Snakes - Be Gurion

The Dead - Duty Calls

F - No

Lemonheads - Don't Wanna

Avengers - Car Crash

Stiphnoyds - Afraid of the Russians

Brats - Fuel

Neutown Neurotics - Mess

Moving Targets - Falling

The System - Their Corrupting Ways

Red Scare - Don't Look in the Basement

RIP - Brigada Criminal

Village Pistols - Big Money

Local Disturbance - No U.S.A.

Dead Moon - Out on a Wire

Dicks - Kill from the Heart

Buzzcocks - What Do You Know?

Dead Can Dance - In Power We Entrust the Love Advocated


refuse disposal refugee

A new episode of Radio Wolftown is in the works and should be posted later this week. Sadly, it will be our last show for a short time.

But don't worry, we won't be away for too long...