
Episode XII

Flux Of Pink Indians - Progress

Protest - Troubles

Anti-Cimex - Set Me Free

Rude Kids - Nasty Girl

Amebix - Progress?

Lost Cause - Can't Find Myself

Pyhäkoulu - Painijainen

Dead and Gone - Lost in Church

Life...But How To Live It? - Holes

Embrace - Building

The Last Resort - Soul Boys

Electro Hippies - Meltdown

Direct Control - World War III

Cult Maniax - Road to Nowhere

Draize - Nowhere

Bloodstar - Something Else

Saccharine Trust - A Human Certainty

The Assassinators - Sorte Ravne

Consumers - Anti Anti Anti

Komintern Sect - Carte du Parti

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Episode XI

Hot Snakes - Why Does it Hurt?

Killing Joke - Another Bloody Election

Dean Dirg - Kill Me

Endrophobia - We Don't Need You

Gray Matter - Oscar's Eye

The Sound - Skeletons

Complications - The Liar

Sick Mormons - Hatchimae

Headcleaners - Dying in Maze

Ratsia - Ajat Sitten Luopeuneet

Flowers - After Dark

Ground Zero - Controversy

Electric Deads - 30 Years

Lungfish - Axiomatic

The Dead - Burke and Hare

The Fiend - Remember Who We Are

Bog People - Birth Defects

Olho Seco - Nada

Kulturkampf - Please Help

Sacred Denial - Easter Sunday

Fire and Ice - Birdking

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